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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Hearts of Iron 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-21 04:47:28 Views : 32652 Cheat mode Hit [F12] and enter cheat: dissent = Gives plenty of dissent supplies = Gives plenty of supplies transports = Gives plenty of transports escorts = Gives plenty of escorts robespierre = You can now do any reform you like nuke = Gives a nuclear bomb energy = Gives plenty of energy metal = Gives plenty of Metal rubber = Gives plenty of rubber money = Gives plenty of money oil = Gives plenty of oil neville = AI gives into any demands desired The cheats below has two functions. Type it in once and you will getthe cheat, type it in again and you have it turned off. manpower = God mode on/off difrules = CPU skill on/off nowar = War on/off norevolts = Rebels on/off nolimit = Troop limits on/off nofog = Fog on/off handsoff = Hands on/off showxy = Coordinates on/off showid = Province ID's on/off fullcontrol = AI on/off event 1002 = Supply Resources +200 event 1014 = Dissent +1 or -1 event 1009 = Dissent -3 event 4100 = Dissent -30 event 1008 = Dissent +3; Supply -350 event 1010 = IC -1 event 1006 = IC +6 event 1110 = War Support +5 event 1003 = Manpower+100 event 1007 = Manpower +30 event 1001 = Random leader Loyalty -4 event 2024 = Truce with Russia (discontent agree -50%; disagree +15%) event 1000 = Sabotage Research event 2011 = Get Czechoslovakia before Germany takes it Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Hearts of Iron 2 cheat codes.
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